After my fetal anatomy scan and realising that I have a very healthy baby and pregnancy I have been feeling a bit upset about the discussion I had with my Dr at that time. I really feel like I am not being given a choice between cesarean and VBAC and that is not sitting right with me.
I even went and vented on the VBAC support forum.
Here are the posts:
Re: VBAC SUPPORT 1 week ago
Kiewiet I really look forward to reading your stories when you have the time. In the mean time hope you are enjoying your beautiful new bundle of joy!
Just an update from me; I am feeling rather vulnerable and upset after my last visit to my gynecologist.
We had the fetal anatomy scan & everything is perfect. I have a very healthy pregnancy, thick uterine wall, placenta is well out of the way. Baby boy is 500 grams already!
So we sit down again after the sonar and doctor asks me if I have decided on a birth date for baby yet?
I told him that I strongly feel that the baby needs to stay inside until his due date and he agreed to only schedule cesarean for the 26th of March next year, which is right on my due date.
When I asked him again then about trying for natural should I go into labour before my due date he was definitely not for it at all!
To be very honest now I don't trust my doctor anymore. I asked him if I need to book the cesarean with his secretary and he said not to worry he sorts that out with the maternity ward....I don't know so much about that. Come 38 weeks he is going to find some reason to convince me to have the cesarean earlier.
So this morning I e-mailed midwife Hennie from Growth spurts again asking to book an appointment because I need to talk to someone about the facts and someone who can be very honest with me about my chances of actually achieving VBAC without any damage to me or baby.
Things that he said before like: "80% of women who try for VBAC end up having a repeat cesarean again" - that's probably in his hospital because I know this fact not to be true! But I didn't argue, I just sat and nodded my head. "You're baby will be big and you're a small mommy, now you want to try and push him out." "When you get closer to your due date you might want the baby to be born earlier because you'll be tired and uncomfortable so you could ask to have the cesarean sooner."
I just really need some emotional support, because I know in my heart that I need to give natural birth a fair chance again and I will always be sorry if I don't! I cannot talk to anybody who understands, no one in my family and not even my husband.