Tuesday 24 July 2012

The + sign

I went and bought a second pregnancy test just to be sure sure, before I make a doctors appointment.

I got so busy after coming home from the shops - and I made sure that I had not gone to the toilet since going to the shops, so that I could take the test as soon as I get home.  Anyway, with a little 11 moth old crawling around, unpacking my shopping bags & going after the cat with a sachet of creamy mac & cheese in hand I did not get around to it.

Later Dad got home, Lo crawled to the door ecstatic that "da-da da-da" was home, and I had a chance to 'go make a wee'.  This time it was a purple one that doesn't show two lines but a + sign.  Dipped it in the cup, put it flat on top of the toilet, washed my hands, opened the door, continued talking to Dad who was hanging around outside the door with Lo...and glanced at the test.  Yep, that is as positive as these tests can show.  The test line was darker and thicker than the control line.  Dad kissed me and said congratulations Mom.  Lo laughed, even though she has no clue what we are happy about.  Such a cutie-pie.

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