We went for our 13 week visit at Dr H on Tuesday.
Everything is great with the new babba, growing nicely & Dr said it will be a tall baby again - the legs are again measuring taller than average.
He tried very hard to get a look but he couldn't tell us if it was a boy or a girl. So now I have my fingers crossed again that it might be another girl. I would love to have two girlies.
At the end of the consultation, he asked if we had any question and this was the perfect opportunity for me to bring up my concerns about having an elective cesarean and VBAC. I was overjoyed to hear that he does support VBAC and if I feel I would like to try than he will give me a trial of labour. He said we could see how far we are willing to push out booking a cesarean and if it is safe to do so we can go to 40 weeks.
I was overjoyed to hear this because if my doctor would allow me to at least try then I would feel much safer doing it under his nose than going to Genesis.
I am still comfortable with booking an elective cesarean as the doctor said the risk for baby and mom is less than with an emergency cesarean. He also said the danger with VBAC is of course the 1% chance of uterine rupture, and even though it is small, if it does happen that puts baby and my life in a lot of danger and the emergency cesarean then will be much more traumatic.
It's interesting though, before I even said anything about midwifes, he said that he knows Genesis is one of the places that does do VBAC and he knows that they have lost babies with their attempts. He said he does not know if they have got an NICU now but he has heard of cases where mom and baby have to be rushed to Parklane hospital. So bottom line he would not recommend I go to Genesis.
I am just too happy that should I go into labour before 40 weeks and the conditions are right I can still try to have a VBAC. I really was very apprehensive about leaving my gynea should I really still wish to persue a TOLAC and wether or not I would be willing to trust a midwife above an obstetrician. I just never quite felt at ease with the idea. Midwifes are assistants, and sure they might have a lot of experiences etc, but they do not have the knowledge and the background that I believe an obstetrician has. I know my gynea is very good and I trust him with the most important thing in our lives. I am even more happy to stay with him now as he definitely is as understanding and accommodating as I perceived him to be.
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