Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Evil Gyneas

Only two people requested the research documents from me.  And they were guests to the forum, not people who post to the thread.  Interesting that neither the midwife nor the doula, excuse me, professional birth supporter, requested to see these...I suppose they must know all about it then.

One girl who asked me for the research document in a private message told me that she is only 5 weeks but looking at her options.  She told me a good friend of hers refused medical intervention whilst in labour and the baby was very distressed when she finally came out and had also swallowed amniotic fluid.  She was admitted to NICU with pneumonia and had to stay in hospital for I'm not sure how long.  

No one has posted on the thread since.  This thread is 5 pages long and just all of a sudden it stopped.  I'm not saying I have anything to do with it but it just makes me think.  When people were telling how terribly evil their gyneas were and how unhappy they feel about their birth and the fact that they couldn't have this 'beautiful Hollywood birth' they imagined having, everyone was pitching in.  Why is everyone so suspicious of their care givers - all gynecologists are being accused of looking for excuses to cut and wanting to book you for convenience.  Everyone feels that they are being fed untruths by their gyneas and that somehow the gynea decided for them how their birth will happen.  Perhaps women feel robbed somehow and are looking to find blame. Are they happy that their baby's are born healthy & happy?

Now that there is a question about whether or not they are considering anybody other than themselves here, no one has anything to say.

I've got a lot to think about.  This is not just me or my baby, this affects Isabella & Dad as well as the rest of the family too...

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