Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Midwifery

I started doing some research regarding birth options after emergency cesarean - VBAC.

I contacted a Midwife from Growth Spurts Midwifery and made an appointment with her for the 9th of October when I am 16 weeks pregnant.  Her admin lady sent me a whole lot of information regarding TOLAC (trial of labour after cesarean) & VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) as well as all other midwife care related stuff.  It is a lot of information but worth the read, I want to gather as much information as possible so I can make an informed decision.

I joined a Forum on lending support to those who wish to attempt VBAC.  I jumped right on the band wagon feeling inspired by all these women who also had their first babies delivered by emergency c-section and was left feeling disappointed.  I just know this is the right thing for me!  I have to do this for me!

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