Tuesday 14 August 2012

The VBAC Band Wagon

One of my posts: 

Kiewiet, wow well done! It is so inspiring to see all of you so motivated for your vbac. 

I didn't realise having a natural birth takes so much planning! I also got loads of information sent to me from my midwive RE VBAC & natural birth in the mean time before I meet with her. I honestly thought that because my two pregnancies are so close together that I will not be allowed vbac but as it turns out it may just lower my chances of a successful vbac. 

About the Raspberry leaf Tablets or tea, she says it is advisable to start it from 37 weeks. It makes your uterus more responsive to oxytocin, thus should speed up your labour. Drinks 2 tablets three times a day or 3 cups of tea a day. 

She also suggested using Evening Primrose Oil from the start of the 37th week. It softens the cervix in preparation of labour. 

Did anyone try reflexology to naturally induce labour?

I am stressing about going into labour spontaneously.  If my body didn't do it the first time, is it going to be able to this time round?

I got all very positive feedback from other members in the forum.  I feel great that others can share my worries and feelings.

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