Friday 31 August 2012

The Comparison Between VBAC & RCS

I discovered the following list that I drew up while I was still reading through all the information the midwife sent me and seriously considering VBAC as one of my only options:

Recovery is much quicker Chance of epesiotomy/ tearing that will have to heal anyway
No major scar to heal No guarantee it will be successful & could end up with a repeat EC with possible adverse effects
Pick up Isabella Bigger risk of death of baby
Go home quicker Unfamiliar surroundings & further from home than hospital
Less risk for future pregnancies Chances of VBAC not very high
Less risk of baby coming out before ready (lung maturity) No NICU care at Genesis should it be necessary

Will have Dr O'H as primary caregiver Risks associated with surgery & anethesia
Hospital is much closer to home Not being able to stand up straight away and care for baby
Birth can be planned better to some extent - care for Isabella Longer recovery
Knowing to some degree what to expect this time  
Less risk for baby   
Hospital has NICU & facilities to deal with infant care  
Extended rest time in hospital and with new baby  

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