Friday 17 August 2012

The Forummmm....

I picked up quickly that this discussion board was driven by a midwife and a doula who think there is absolutely nothing positive about cesarean, its much better to risk VBAC and that you are not woman if you do not at least try to push out your baby through your vagina.  Anyway, so that got me thinking about how objective this support really is...anyway, I am still following the tread.

I posted the following question on the forum:

I've been having a bad day today  &  

Has anyone here ever felt, even just fleetingly, that their putting their unborn child at an unnecessary risk by attempting VBAC? Repeat c-sections also have risks as do first natural births and c-sections (elective & emergency), but less so than VBAC. 

My midwife sent me a 23 page document on VBAC research just showing the facts. It is in no way disturbing or discouraging. Send me a private message with your e-mail and I will forward it to anyone who is interested.

This is the answer I got from the doula (she calls herself a professional birth supporter):

Widget, there are more risks to repeat c-sec than to VBAC. So you are making the best move. Here is a quick pic that shows some of the risks. Bring on the fears you have and lets discuss them on here, it might help a lot of people.


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